
LatinX TalX Interview with Larissa Davila

In this interview, Larissa Davila, CEO of BCO Consulting Group, shares her journey from Laredo, Mexico to Austin, Texas with Latinx Talx. She shares how she came to become the founder and CEO of BCO Consulting Group as well as shares some common pitfalls new business owners should look out for to protect their products and/or services. LatinX Talx believes that by sharing LatinX stories, we can help dissolve cultural bias and stigmas presented by mainstream medias. Through this podcast Latinx Talx aims to create a space where Latinx can share who Latinx are, where Latinx are and how we/they got here. The podcast also encourages LatinX individuals to be involved in their community, educate their audience against LatinX stereotypes in order to help understand LatinX culture and assist in engaging LatinX culture in our every day surroundings. “We aim to share these journeys. Encouraging open & honest dialogue, educating against cultural bias and engaging our community.” Latinx Talx asserts. #dreambig #latinx#diversity #inclusion

Original intreview: https://soundcloud.com/latinxtalx/ep013larissadavila

Entrevista en Mujeres Millonarias

El 15 de agosto del 2018 tuvimos el privilegio de ser invitados por Ivonne Cacique, fundadora de Mujeres Millonarias para participar en una entrevista representando a BCO Consulting Group. Larissa Davila, nuestra fundadora, participó con un poco de su historia, de sus expectativas y proyectos.

Conoce más sobre el proyecto de Mujeres Millonarias en su página web, www.mujeresmillonarias.org o visita la entrevista original en https://www.facebook.com/mujeresmillonarias.org/videos/270357086901954/